For the second year in a row, the Journal of Energy Security is seeking expressions of interest from energy scholars, policy makers, and practitioners to contribute to a special edition of the JES scheduled for publication in October 2012. The focus of this issue will be on Asian energy security. Organized to coincide with the Singapore International Energy Week, article contributions may cover a wide variety of energy security challenges facing Asian nations including alternative fuels particularly with application in the transportation sector, national energy policy reviews and recommendations, the geopolitics of energy across the region, the confluence of water and energy issues to the future of nuclear and other power generating technologies in Asian nations.
Potential contributors show review the guidelines for submissions to the JES and submit a short (4-5 sentence) abstract by 7 September 2012. Selection of contributors and issue-contributions will be made on a first-come first-served basis in order to avoid duplication and over-lap of selected issues. It is important that potential contributors familiarize themselves with the JES’ style and approach in preparing their submitted abstracts and ultimately their contributions. Please send article abstracts and queries to